What a Wonderful World
Set in mid-century New York City, this magical tale tells the story of how Santa and Mrs. Claus try to retire, but in doing so, they must pass on the baton to a new Santa. When the magic sleigh bells choose a young New York ad exec for the iconic position, he declines the offer, putting the North pole and the fate of Christmas in jeopardy of disappearing forever.
This is a never before seen show being further developed and produced by Titusville Playhouse to join the Musical Theatre International (MTI) catalog for the 2025 Holiday Season. Don't miss the chance to be among the first to see it!
Lunch beforehand at the incomparable Dixie Crossroads.
Departs from Winter Springs SOLD OUT
Tampa Bay Downs
Enjoy a sumptuous lunch buffet in the Clubhouse then check your program, pick your horses, and make your wagers. It's Post Time and the horses will be off and running. Catch the excitement of thoroughbred horse racing at the one and only Tampa Bay Downs.
Departs from Winter Springs
Jersey Boys
They had a look, an attitude, and a sound like no other. Sure, they were born in Jersey, but they were made in America. Who knew four guys from New Jersey would turn the world upside down? With a unique sound that nobody had heard, but the radio couldn't get enough of, Jersey Boys is the Tony Award-winning true-life musical of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. While their harmonies were perfect on stage, their offstage relationships were a different story.
Lunch beforehand at the incomparable Dixie Crossroads.
Departs from Winter Springs
Enjoy a hearty lunch of Amish cooking at its best. Then explore the world of John Ringling, the man and the myth. Tour Ca'd'Zan, the Venetian gothic mansion of peach terra cotta that served as the winter residence of John and Mable Ringling. Don't miss the chance to see this beautifully restored masterpiece. Walk among his priceless works of art and learn more about the man himself as you tour his fabulous art museum. Last, but not least, tour the Circus Museum with its miniaturized depiction of the "Greatest Show on Earth".
Departs from Winter Springs
Alhambra Theatre & Dining Presents...West Side Story
A modern-day Romeo and Juliet story, West Side Story tells the tale of Maria and Tony, two idealistic young people caught between warring street gangs. This incredible dance show includes songs like "America", "I Feel Pretty" and "Tonight".
Enjoy one of Chef DeJuan's culinary creations specially crafted to tap into the show's unique story and theme.
Departs from Winter Springs
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